Thank the Legislators

Write to your legislator — Thank them for their help in stopping cuts to the OPWDD Budget

Dear Friends,

This week both the Senate and Assembly passed resolutions to include the restoration of funds to the OPWDD Budget this includes $120 million in state funds preventing a reduction for the budgets of private, not for profit providers like Schenectady ARC.

Schenectady ARC, is asking that you thank your legislator for their action. However, the fight for funding is not over. This resolution merely means that both the Senate and Assembly have heard our justification for the restoration of funds. We still need to persuade the Governor of the importance of these funds and the impact the cuts will have.

We thank you for your continued advocacy and support and please share your gratitude with your legislator for the support they have shown.

Senator Hugh T. Farley
188 State Street
Room 711, Legislative Office Building
Albany, NY 12247
Phone: (518) 455-2181
Fax: (518) 455-2271
Senator Cecilia Tkaczyk
311 Legislative Office Building
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12247
Phone: 518-455-2470
Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara
LOB 833
Albany, NY 12248
Assemblymember Phil Steck
LOB 819
Albany, NY 12248
Assemblyman James N. Tedisco
LOB 404
Albany, NY 12248

Time is of the essence. April 1 is the scheduled date for the budget to be passed.